Ready Reporter missed IRE’s annual conference but did catch a helpful tweet and blog by John Tedesco, @John_Tedesco, San Antonio Express-News, in which he listed tips for online searching from one of Google’s top researchers, Daniel Russell. So if you want the best tips in the business, check out Dan’s post here (see also the great puzzler at the start, too!)
Many of the tips in the list I use, but I’ll be testing out a couple new ones and post more details on some of them in coming weeks. For today, check out the full list.
The one tip I’ll highlight is one I’ve forgotten about — searching for terms adjacent to each other.
Here’s how John explains it:
Find relational search terms: What if you’re curious about search terms that are near each other on a website?[keyword] AROUND(n) [keyword] is incredibly handy for finding related terms such as “Jerry Brown” near “Tea Party.” (“n” is the number of words near the search terms.) Typing “Jerry Brown” AROUND(3) “Tea Party” will show you all the websites where the phrase “Jerry Brown” was mentioned within three words of “Tea Party.”
Try it, to speed your searching.