Following up on yesterday’s post here is more help for sportscasters tracking the buzz.
Find out what’s being talked about the local team, coach or players on Twitter. Twitter advanced search can be filtered now in many ways. I just came across this list of search operators, a list which pops up if you click the word “operators” under the search box.
We’ve got the #2 ranked college basketball team here at Syracuse Univeristy so, for example, if I want to see what people are saying on blogs about Coach Jim Boeheim, I would type into twitter’s search:
Jim Boeheim near:Syracuse within:30mi
That looks for posts containing the characters “Jim Boeheim” from people located within 30 miles of Syracuse . Here’s one that came up:
This post from local media anchor Lisa Spitz, @LisaSpitzNews, would tip someone who didn’t know this interesting tidbit: Boeheim was the resident adviser in the dorm when Giants coach Tom Coughlin was a student at SU.